Quilt Canada-2024

Will I see you at Quilt Canada 2024 this year? I’m teaching in one of the long arm classrooms so this year and am super excited about it. Most of my classes are sold out. There is still some room in Friday mornings class—Not Your Average Orange Peel—it’s all about gridwork and the skills learned on Friday morning can be applied to both long arm AND DOMESTIC Machine Quilting. It’s also a good place to spend a morning on a long arm if you have ever wondered about them. Saturday morning there are still some spaces left in the thread class—no matter what type of long arm or domestic machine you quilt with, come and play and experiment with thread! How do different thread weights impact the texture of your quilt? Can you really use metallic thread? What about invisible or monofilament thread—the answer is YES.

I’m also planning a get together for all my quilting friends across the country. Likely on Friday evening right after the show—I’m still trying to find a locaton that is close to the convention centre. Stay tuned to my socials for more information about that.

I can’t wait to see the quilts, visit the vendors, see new products, learn new techniques and test drive some new machines. What’s your favourite part of a big quilt show like Quilt Canda?


Stickers are fun—even for grown ups!


What does National PI Day and Quilting have to do with each other?