What does National PI Day and Quilting have to do with each other?
Mar 14
Written By Gail Berry
Well—some could argue a lot—as they are both based on math. Some could say nothing as the math we use in quilting isn’t exactly as complicated as the math for PI.
In our house, we use it as an excuse to make PIE with our grandsons and eat pie. They are now old enough that they were able to convince us that the Pie we eat should be Pizza—it’s hard to argue with that!
Do you know what other National day happens this week? National Quilting Day is this Saturday. I’m part of a local guild that has joined up with two other guilds and we celebrate on line—we have guest speakers (three keynote speakers this year include Kaffe himself) a virtual quilt show, vendor showcase and other workshops/speakers—it is a full day and there are over 300 of us joining in on this incredible opportunity.
I just hope there is a piece of pie left I can snack on as I watch the day!